Published in Lifestyle
6 minutes read

Signs You Have High Intelligence

Signs of having high intelligence have these qualities:

Signs You Have High Intelligence

Signs of having high intelligence have these qualities:

  1. They seem to have boundless creative and introspective thoughts about themselves and the world around them.
  2. They tend to have problems such as addiction, loneliness/depression, overthinking/overcomplicating things, and are often misanthropic.
  3. Either a ridiculous academic history of accomplishments (such as going to uni at an early age or being a straight-A student with no studying throughout their academic life) OR an educational performance that seems to be highly flexible and extremely unstable (such as only having high grades in a few critical subjects while everything else is average or subpar).
  4. Generally very competent in learning new skills but often not much of a master at many, if any. Things like being good at multiple things are relatively common, like knowing five languages + a native language but seemingly lazy and bad at two specific ones.
  5. Good working memory and decent perception/insight into subtle differences that are often not people related—things like noticing a new kind of instant coffee blend but being unaware of someone's hair. Forgetting names but giving you a nickname like "blue shirt girl" or Blue for short instead of your character is an example of both points 5 and 1.
  6. Being repetitive and often oversimplifying when explaining things, however complex or straightforward. Like saying the same thing twice in different ways, creating scenarios for said examples, and things of that nature.Easily bored or frustrated, even with what would ordinarily be considered complex tasks. Things like doing crossword puzzles but being annoyed throughout the process, often rushing through specific tasks and work like haphazardly fixing the dishes or just painting an entire room white instead of the striped pattern.
  7. Not easily distracted or taken out of their head. To sum up: doesn't seem concerned with the outside world and often enjoy things of their creation rather than others. Such as insisting on creating a new board game because they're getting tired of one and don't want to learn a new ruleset; instead, make it.
  8. A surprisingly carefree nature and casual level-headedness in stressful environments.
  9. Highly opinionated and open-minded, yet seemingly apathetic.
  10. They are aware of their personal space and often deliberate how to approach it. Things like stating rules or mindsets others should follow when interacting with them (this might seem weird and not as common a trait as you probably notice, but these are often unspoken and end up being followed by others).
  11. Often very motivated to move upwards in one's socioeconomic status or completely impartial or even unmotivated and, at times, dislike power.
  12. Proactive, not reactive. In the sense that often things aren't happening to them and then reacting, often instead being that they act and then things occur which they then respond to. For example, making popcorn, while most people wait for it to be done in a microwave; in this metaphor, the bright individual decides to do it on their own in a wok pan instead of experimenting and potentially learning something going with an established routine or habit.
  13. Usually successful in finances, but generally seems to spend money less wisely. This might feel counterintuitive, but it isn't. Too lazy to explain or cite sources tho, not an obligation to do so anyway.
  14. They are seemingly lazy and arrogant, though they are often surprisingly hard-working and humble once you get to know them. He has friends and connections who also seem to exhibit traits of more intelligent people.
  15. A social circle filled with physicists, philosophers, artists, and even athletes can be signs of someone with high intelligence.

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