Published in Lifestyle
3 minutes read

The Role of Social Parents in Guiding and Nurturing Society

The Essential Role of Social Parents in Guiding and Nurturing Communities

The Role of Social Parents in Guiding and Nurturing Society

Parental guidance can remove and eliminate obstacles that hinder a child's needs and requirements. Similarly, society needs guidance and direction at all times, which can be provided by social parents. Various social issues and problems arise from conflicts between different classes, and solutions can be found with the help of social parents. Social parents nurture and grow society, ensuring that individuals are helpful and work towards social welfare.

When society is confused and entangled in conflicts of thought, actions, and activities from different religions, cultures, and locations, and loses its originality and standards, social parents are responsible for restoring it to its original state. The current state of society and its future goals must be aligned so that social development and welfare goals can be achieved.

Just as parents protect their children from harmful, dangerous, negative, and toxic influences, social parents take care of society by fostering growth and progress while protecting it from negative elements that could diminish its quality and values. Social parents provide responsibility, guidance, assistance, and direction. Their functions include guiding society, being responsible, assisting and supporting during difficult times, and providing direction when needed.

The quality status of society is assessed, and actions are taken accordingly to remove negativity and toxic elements, aiming to create a pollution-free and healthy society. Social parenting involves caring for all individuals, regardless of their culture, location, religion, class, or caste. Social parents communicate with society and establish a positive rapport, ensuring that their input reaches society effectively, bringing positive change toward development, welfare, and humanity.
