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How to Clean a Corner Sofa by Yourself at Home

Our sofa receives a lot of use; therefore, it will occasionally become soiled and stained.

How to Clean a Corner Sofa by Yourself at Home

Our sofa receives a lot of use; therefore, it will occasionally become soiled and stained. We should all be able to clean stains off a sofa, particularly a corner sofa. We have the solutions and will demonstrate how to clean a couch properly, whether there has been a sudden spill of red wine or just a pile of dirt from the dog resting on the couch every day.

This quick guide will look at ways to clean a corner sofa of different upholstery at home with easily accessible cleaning materials. 

Understand the cleaning tag on the corner sofa

First, be sure to read the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions. Like your favorite clothing pieces, couches always come with a cleaning tag. For cleaning hints, look at the title. Here are some standard codes and their definitions:

  • W – Water may be used to clean this material.
  • S – Do not clean this material with water. Use a cleaning with a solvent base.
  • WS – You can clean this material with water- or solvent-based products.
  • X – Vacuum only this substance. Use only solvent-based cleansers; never use water.

How to clean a microfiber corner sofa

The majority of microfiber couches may be cleaned with rubbing alcohol. Before using anything to clean the entire sofa, as we previously indicated, verify the tag and test the cleaning agent carefully. Since “solvent” is the cleaning code for “S,” rubbing alcohol is a fantastic choice.

How to clean a leather corner sofa

Because leather is available in a wide range of finishes, leather couches offer a wide range of cleaning alternatives. Remember that different leather couches require other cleaning techniques when deciding how to clean a leather couch. The most prevalent and accessible pure form of leather is protected leather, so these instructions are specifically designed for cleaning protected leather. Consult the manufacturer’s cleaning recommendations if your leather couch isn’t covered. Finally, read the cleaning label and test any products on the sofa first in a hidden area.

How to clean a velvet corner sofa

Similar to other materials, vacuuming gently is essential. A lint roller can be used to remove dust and debris. Please brush it thoroughly in the pile direction with a delicate metallic brush made of velvet. This will assist in keeping the gloss of your sofa.

If the code is not X on the manufacturer’s label, check the label and use a handheld steamer to avoid creases and markings. To prevent damaged fabric, use it on a low setting and avoid steaming one region for an extended period. To lift and repair it, gently brush in the pile’s direction.

How to clean a fabric corner sofa

If your sofa is made of fabric, start by vacuuming it first, then wipe down the cushions with a clean, damp cloth (if your sofa’s fabric permits it) to eliminate dust and debris and prevent stains. A little weekly upkeep will prevent it from seeming dated before its time because fabric sofas tend to bob. To handle this job, a fabric shaver is a perfect tool.

Utilize baking soda to get rid of any unpleasant odors from your sofa. Sprinkle it sparingly over the area, let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes, and then vacuum it up.


You now have clear directions on how to clean a corner sofa. On loose covered upholstery, keep in mind to follow the precise care instructions offered; there is sometimes a 3% margin for shrinking after the first clean.

If all your cleaning efforts have failed and it’s simply time for a new sofa, look at online furniture stores to discover and buy a couch that meets your needs, style, and budget.

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