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Created on January, 2023
6 Stories

The New Business Tycoon

In 2012, a new businessman came into existence zealously to reach a significant milestone in his life. His name is RAM. He lives in Pune, Maharashtra. His passion was to learn more new things and invent new successful ideas.
The New Business Tycoon

As You Sow So Shall You Reap

It is pretty often that whatever we do, again we also face the same due to the law of the universe. This law is compelling due to our energy and subconscious mind. When we manifest something, we get it in our hands. Similarly, we receive all the bad happenings in our life just because of our bad deeds done to any person.
As You Sow So Shall You Reap

The Golden Locket

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Serenityville, there lived a young girl named Emily. She was known for her kind heart and unwavering optimism. One day, while exploring an old attic in her grandmother's house, Emily stumbled upon a dusty chest. Inside, she found a beautifully crafted golden locket adorned with intricate designs.
The Golden Locket

The Mystery Of The Abandoned House

It was a dark and stormy night, and a group of daring young friends decided to explore the abandoned house at the end of the street. The house had been vacant for years and was surrounded by a thick overgrowth of vines and weeds. It had a mysterious air, and the kids were eager to unravel its secrets.The friends could feel a shiver run down their spines as they entered the house. The place was eerily quiet, and the only sound was the creaking of the ancient floorboards under their feet. They ...
The Mystery Of The Abandoned House

Are Your Followers Growing? Here Are the Features You’ll Get

Have you ever considered the difference you will experience after you hit the first 100 followers on personal social media accounts you make for yourself or your business? Perhaps the initial 1000 followers? What changes depending on the level of followers?
Are Your Followers Growing? Here Are the Features You’ll Get