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Love Guru

Love Guru

Joined on February, 2023
7 stories

How to Make Women Chase You

Have you ever wondered why the pursuit of women often doesn't work your approach to women often ends up pushing them away instead of bringing them closer. In today's world, the traditional tactics of expressing genuine love and persistent pursuit are no longer a surefire way to win a woman's heart.
How to Make Women Chase You

What Men Secretly Notice on a First Date with Women

Women have no idea what men notice about them. When it comes to the features that men find appealing in a woman. We all have our own thoughts about what kinds of features should be at the top of the list.
What Men Secretly Notice on a First Date with Women

6 Irresistibly Attractive Masculine Habits That Captivate Women

Ever been stuck in a room and felt invisible, like you blend into the wallpaper? I have. It's like you're shouting at the top of your lungs, but nobody hears you. What if I told you that there are six habits, six tweaks to your daily routine, that could make you stand out could elevate you from just another guy to a man.
6 Irresistibly Attractive Masculine Habits That Captivate Women

The Power of Communication in Relationships: How to Connect with Your Partner

Psychologists have reported that within the past, 10 years, there has been a rise in mistrust between partners in romantic relationships. But the widespread of technology makes it easy to connect and reconnect with others. But technology can cause people to feel isolated.
The Power of Communication in Relationships: How to Connect with Your Partner

5 Toxic Friendships You Must Sever: Identify and Distance Yourself from These Unhealthy Relationships

How do the people around you make you feel? Are you truly happy in life right now? Having a loving and caring family, partner and friends is important to keep you happy and fulfilled in life.
5 Toxic Friendships You Must Sever: Identify and Distance Yourself from These Unhealthy Relationships

How to Approach Girls with Confidence

There are guys out there that attract the highest quality of girls, and they do so effortlessly. Conversely, you'll find many guys that can't get laid. And that is why they are bitter. They will say things like screw all girls, and they aren't worth the time. They would instead give up completely than admit they need to improve.
How to Approach Girls with Confidence

How to Destroy Her Ego (She Will Beg for Your Attention)

Every man must know how to destroy a woman's ego. Some people will call this toxic, but they don't live in reality. Almost every woman has an inflated ego because of online. She has been worshipped and getting attention as if she is the most extraordinary creature walking this planet, treated like a goddess, and showered with praise only for existing. Think about that for a second; how would you feel if you were worshipped daily for no reason? Your ego would get out of control, and you would ...
How to Destroy Her Ego (She Will Beg for Your Attention)